Baby Steps for 2012

I am a complainer, I am a dieting mess, I like to eat, I am out of shape and have knee trouble, I’m 42 and really if I were a horse I’d be shot by now.  Fortunately, I’m a Bovine so my risk of being shot is slightly lowered.  I have not melted away as a Weight Watcher so obviously I am not as dedicated a dieter as I like to imagine myself and overall I am debating whether or not a fat farm is in my foreseeable future.

I just read a post by Jason at 52weeks52pounds and it really got me thinking.  I am too much of an all or nothing sort of cow.  I will eat nothing but fruit for 2 days, feel deprived and then eat like the Bovine I am for the next two days.  Obviously this doesn’t work for me as I have just a few pound  loss in as many months to show for it.

I like Jason’s approach of focusing on small steps, celebrating the minor changes, and not being in such a hurry.  So, I have compiled a list of small changes I am going to focus on for 2012.  Changes that I think I have a good chance of  accomplishing.  I am going to track my successes with these changes weekly and I’m going to let the chips fall where they may.

  1. Drink 64 ounces of water a day
  2. Drink my fiber wight loss drink before each meal
  3. Take a multi-vitamin daily
  4. Walk my dogs at least 1 mile 6 days a week (they need that at least as much as I do actually)
  5. Attend a water workout class 1 day a week (I hate that class since it makes me feel so old but it is good for my knee and both the rheumatolgist and orthopeadist say that is the way to go)
  6. Do my little 25 minute weight workout 3 days a week
  7. Avoid white flour foods at least 50% of the time.
  8. Avoid sugary foods  at least 50% of the time.
  9. Focus on eating fruits, vegs and lean proteins but understanding that I will not eat this way 100% of the time- hoping to eat this way 70% of the time.
  10. Weigh in at Weight Watchers every Friday no matter what unless I am out of town.

I am going to make a chart of the above and tick off what I accomplish and we’ll see how I do.  I am going to celebrate each success instead of focusing on my failures and I am going to have a rockin’ and healthy 2012 and I hope you do too!

Here I go……

11 Comments on “Baby Steps for 2012”

  1. Good luck with your new goals and thanks for the inspiration to start working on my own

  2. JL says:

    You could join me in calculating the calories burned in doing absolutely nothing each day (sitting)..and then reducing caloric intake to match. Only for the truly physically lazy 😉

    • I have tried your approach numerous times…sadly it doesn’t work for me. I just like to eat to much and I can’t keep my caloric intake down to the 250 calories a day I’d need to lose weight. But if it works for you, you should be dancing a jig! Happy New Year!

  3. Thanks for following my blog! Your goals look great, good luck with yours and hopefully we will both have success this year. Have you ever heard the full version of the serenity prayer? It is my daily mantra!

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world
    as it is, not as I would have it;
    Trusting that He will make all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.

  4. Kenlie says:

    You just hit the nail on the head……celebrate successes…they add up in a major way..

  5. Emily says:

    Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    I think the goal of going to Weight Watchers no matter what is HUGE. Stay for the meeting, too. Don’t just weigh in.

    The meetings really help center me and find my way back to program when I am veering off course!

    Also, I’m 37 and I love water classes. Whenever I’ve gone, I am usually one of the younger attendees, but I don’t mind. We are all just there to burn some calories 🙂

  6. Cat says:

    I love your “baby step” and your ability to make room for life, allowing yourself to be human and imperfect. Can’t wait to read more!

  7. Molly Nitka says:

    Your small steps to see changes are good. Just remember to not drink your calories and also drink a lot of water.

  8. Chrystal says:

    Great goals. I need to work on my water and vitamin too!

  9. free2bme123 says:

    Sounds like a great plan . . . good luck!

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