Friends Making Monday – On Time!!!


If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links at All The Weigh too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

Pondering Personal Thoughts

1. How old would you feel if you didn’t know how old you are? Depends on the day, sometimes with an aching back and sore knee I feel like I’m a hundred years old.  Other times, I’ll be rocking out with my teenage calves and their friends (embarrassing my poor calves to no end) and I feel like a teenager.

2. Are you the kind of friend you’d want to have as a friend?  Yes for the most part.  I am excruciatingly loyal, funny and supportive BUT I can also be needy which would annoy the crap out of me if I was my friend.

3. Look back at the last year.  When did you feel most excited about something in your life?  I dyed my hair super dark which was a complete change for me as I usually add blonde highlights (lots of them, I live in the south) to my reddish-brown hair.  Now my hair is a deep, deep brown (almost black) with a few chunks of blonde and I have to say, it looks awesome…and I never like how I look but I LOVE this hair.

4. Have you ever been with someone and not spoken a word, only to walk away thinking that was the best conversation ever?  I talk a lot so I can’t remember one of those…the silence would probably send me straight over the edge.

5. If you won 100 million dollars Monday, would you continue doing whatever you usually do on Tuesdays?  Nope.  I’d kiss my job goodbye, grab up the calves and Bull and take a cruise around the world.

6. What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you? I’d dress more hip.  I tend to stick to basic ts and jeans because I’m overweight and over 40 and don’t like how I look in trendy clothes…but I do love trendy clothes…so if I wasn’t worried that folks would say…”What, does that fat Bovine think she’s a calf”…(and if  I won the 100 million dollars) I’d be way more  stylish.

7. Share something you do differently than most people.  I home school my  2 teenage calves.  Many people think I’m nuts. I work too and homeschooling is hard but my oldest really need to get out from under the social  pressures of high school and then the other one then just wanted to.  It has actually been an amazing experience and I am so glad I have this time with them.

8. What’s one thing that you really want to do that you’ve never done?  Live in an organized clean house…

9. If you had to move out of state right now, where would you move?   Anywhere where I could live on a house (that was organized and clean) on the beach.

10.  What is the one thing that you’d like to change most about the world?  I wish there was less pain….people living in poverty, abusing each other, killing each other in wars, dying of horrible diseases, kids being bullied, kids without families, loneliness.  It’s all so sad and it just shouldn’t be that way.

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions!  Don’t forget to go to All the Weigh and link up in the comments!  Have a happy Monday, friends!

6 Comments on “Friends Making Monday – On Time!!!”

  1. I was homeschooled through the latter half of my grade school education! So were my three siblings. I love my parents for committing to our education so directly. I didn’t appreciate it at the time, naturally, but I look back and think “Wow. That’s where I got my smarts.” So cool. Good for you!

  2. Carina says:

    Came by from FMM. I had a couple answers similar to yours — starting my travels with $100MM and reducing the pain in the world.

  3. I LOL’d at number 8 (and can totally relate)! And I completely agree with number 10. My answers are at if you want to stop by 🙂

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